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Where's Sinister Souls and Dead Things?

Sooooo, I've been neglecting my blog and my newsletter and well, everything lately but I wanted to jump on here and talk to you about Book 4 in my Dead Things Series, Sinister Souls and Dead Things.

I get a lot of questions about the series on Facebook and also Goodreads, but lately the most common questions I'm asked revolve around Book 4. Is it out yet? Did I miss it? Is there a link? The short answer is:

The long, long answer is Sinister Souls and Dead Things was supposed to be the third book in the series, but it just grew to be such an involved story (I know, shocker!) that there was no way I could release it as one book and still tell the story my way. So, I turned it into two books but in doing so I had to reformat the story which then became Deranged Angels and Cannibal Hearts that I published in May.

I tried to give some warning about the cliffhanger ending. Anybody who has read the other books in my series knows cliffhangers aren't really my style. I like to wrap up one plot before moving on to another. Some people were upset that the overall arch of the story didn't move forward as much as they'd like but most of you have been really complementary.

All this to say, by turning SSaDT into two books I now have to reformat the second part of the book and make it its own cohesive story as well as add to the book so that it flows in some kind of linear narrative. I've been hard at work to make this happen. An accurate depiction below.

Also, as many of you know, I'm the owner of 7 Sisters Publishing and I run most of the day-to-day operations as well as work full-time as a RN. Once my Patreon is up and running, I'm hoping I'll be able to dial back some of my other responsibilities and focus more on getting my books out to everybody faster.

My goal is to have Sinister Souls and Dead Things in your hands by Christmas. After much consideration, I've decided not to put Book 4 up for pre-order because I feel like it puts too much pressure on me to just shove it into the market without making sure its perfect and I don't want you to have anything less than my best.

I don't want you guys to think I'm whining even though I sound a little bit whiny. I LOVE how excited everybody is to read book 4 and I'm working really hard to get it out to you ASAP. If you follow me on Bookbub or are subscribed to my newsletter or are part of my Deadlings group on Facebook, you'll be informed the moment it pops up on all markets.

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